
Over the course of the year, we've done a lot of drone flying. We've flown the Parrot drones inside the building, generally in the upper and lower library areas. Unfortunately, I couldn't seem to locate any photos, or videos in the library, but there is a video of one recording a part of one of the school's science teachers, Dr. Johnson's class. This link will go to the video of his class. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PsLTo_jSDpDAdPLt2Hf6Bcd2DmeaZkSn/view?usp=sharing

Photo of BHS from the sky of the practice field area
We've also done a lot of flying with the Mavic Pro drone outside, around the area of the school. When we fly, we have to follow some rules about drone flying. The main rules being to not fly above 400 feet (120 meters), to keep the drone within sight to avoid crashing into anything, and avoid flying near people or cars. The Mavic Pro drone has a camera attached to it, so while flying we were able to record some of the footage that we got.
This link is just to some basic drone flying, from the drones perspective, around the practice field of the school.

This second link shows the roof of the school, after a snowy day, and then at the end it looks around the area the school is in with everything being covered in snow.

Photo of BHS from the perspective of a drone in front of the school


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